Its been a week since the school starts in our place. Kim is in Grade II and with new room and classmates. Ela is in Grade VI as well. I just love my kids they were able to use what they have last year. They did not demand much of new things. School supplies will be the only things they will look after. Like the notebooks will be the cover of their favourite cartoon character. Pencils all sharpened already. Shoes all shine. Uniforms all ironed . Backpacks all pack for the day.
Until the middle of the week they wanted to passed by the park and relax. They found it so exhausting. I know for sure that now they realized that no more time to play in the computer during weekdays. No longer hours for afternoon game but to give way to reviewing of notes.It will be a challenging year for these two kids. School time is here for sure another fun and exciting memories will be here . Your father and I will always be here to support you . Be the best.